If you’re looking to start a blog to make money, you’re probably asking yourself which blogging niches earn the most income. Who doesn’t want to make more money, right? If you’re going to invest the time, money, and effort into creating a successful blog, it only makes sense that you would want to give yourself the best shot at making money with it.
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Experts will tell you “write what you know” or “choose from your passions”, but if you’re in this to make money, you may need to think more strategically. Sure, you want it to be something you’re interested in so that you’re more likely to stick with it. However, if you truly want to make money with it, you can’t just pull something out of thin air. You need to do your research and you also need to pick a niche that will be profitable.
Blogging Niches Earning the Most Money:
- Medical and healthcare – These like weight loss, nutrition and food blogs, fitness, or discussion on diseases and conditions can do really well. If you have a medical condition or have been through a medical ordeal, the first-person blog with advice can do really well.
- Technology – Technology is popular, lucrative and has plenty of opportunity for affiliate sales as well. There are many different sub-niches you can choose that spin off from technology. Computers, video games, apps, smartphones… the list goes on and on.
- Personal development – People love to learn how to make themselves better. Things like life coaching, spirituality, self-esteem, leadership development, etc. do really well. There is a lot of room for growth in this niche as well. You can follow the industry trends and mix it up as needed to remain relevant.
- Money and business – Personal finances, money, and business-related topics are very hot for making money. While there are a lot of blogs out there on these topics already, if you can find new ways to spin it, you can build a strong, successful following in money and business.
- Making money online – Technically part of money and business but so popular, it can do with a category of its own, making money online blogs do really well. Of course, people want to know how to make money online so traffic will be good, and it’s also an easy niche to affiliate with.
- Lifestyle – Another popular niche is the lifestyle niche. There’s gardening, survival, home/outdoor decor, homesteading, travel, etc. This is the kind of content people can really relate to and there are limitless options to grow from this.
- Food – Everyone loves food and we all need it to survive. Hardcore foodies love a place to share their loves, their hates, and their favorite recipes. There’s a lot of business in food and many different ways you can spin it. You could offer fast, easy recipes to busy parents. You could offer food critiques. There are no limits to the ideas and opportunities.
- Beauty and fashion – This is another lucrative industry. If you love beauty and fashion, hair and makeup, current trends, etc. then you could do really well with a beauty or fashion blog. Again, there is marketability in the form of affiliate sales. There are also opportunities to sign up as a partner with certain beauty and fashion industries.
With this in mind, it’s very important that you know that having a blog in one of these niches isn’t going to guarantee you riches. In addition to that, you can make a lot of money from a blog that’s not in one of these niches if you do it right.
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