Facebook LIVE 101
Where Do I Find Facebook LIVE?
Facebook LIVE is not yet available on desktop. On your phone, go to your page, click “publish”, then write a description or status update just as you would do typically, and then hit the icon on the left (the 4th from the left). You will connect, see a 3, 2, 1, and then you will be LIVE.
Why is Facebook LIVE so great?
- Built in audience! One big obstacle I had with periscope and other applications was having to build my audience AGAIN. So, with your Facebook fans grandfathered in, they already “know” you so to speak and you have a large viewership at your fingertips.
- Connect and engage in more authentic ways with your audience
How Should I Begin Facebook LIVE?
- Experiment. See what works and what doesn't work with your audience including time, topic, approach, duration, and so on. I personally need to “just do it” (thank you, NIKE) to get a feel for how something will work for me. Other people might be different and need to start from the get go with a content strategy. That is great! You certainly will benefit from that…but at the start, there is a learning curve. See what works for YOU and your audience. Like parenting, there will not be any one size fits all when it comes to Facebook LIVE.
- Eventually, maybe sooner rather than later, having a content strategy does matter. Think big picture and then come up with an approach, or a framework to your FB LIVE. Be intentional with what you want to cover with your audience. For example, I'm aiming for 1) Behind the Scenes, 2) teaching the viewer something new, and 3) inspiring my viewers in some way. Mix in some of your blog work, your “you” work such as parenting, fitness, health, and your passions outside of blogging.