Let’s create a hypothetical product launch where you’re helping someone else promote a product within your niche. This post outlines how to easily crete affiliate funnels that convert and make you serious cash.
My Approach to Creating an Affiliate Funnel in ConvertKit
? Email #1 – To Your Whole List (Day 1)
Start with your general email list, the one that includes EVERYONE who has ever opted into your list. You will send this first email, your first touch, to every subscriber. This email should include various links related to the product you’re helping to promote.
This email is a general newsletter filled with resources to help your end customer.
There is no selling.
You will tag any subscriber who clicks any URL (with relevant content) within this email “Affiliate Funnel – XYZ” and any other “Interest” tag based on the URLs they click.
? Email #2 – Resending to Do Not Opens from Your Whole List (Day 2)
Send the SAME email as the previous email AGAIN only to those subscribers who did not open the first email. Yes, you’re resending the SAME email simply with a DIFFERENT subject to those subscribers who did not open the first email you sent on Email/Day 1. Same tagging strategy.
? Email #3 – Send to Tagged Recipients (Warm List)
Now you have an extremely warm list, a subset of your general/universal email list, based on your tagging strategy from emails 1 & 2. This email butters up your warm list even more by adding value to your subscribers’ life via education. Send an email simply educating your subscribers on the product topic of interest.
? Email #4 – Send to Same Tagged Group (Warm List)
Begin soft selling to the warm sub-set. Include links to specific posts on the specific product interest. So for example, if you’re launching a course about decluttering, you’d include the URLs of resources about decluttering. these URLs can be your URLs or otherwise. Here you’re creating your HOT list. Create a tag that reads “HOT – XYZ” and a tag for the specific interest, too.
? Email #5 – Send to Same Tagged Group (Warm List)
Send a FREEBIE to the subset (e.g. printables pack, free online training). Continue to tag anyone who clicks on the URL with “HOT – XYZ”. You are creating a feeling of reciprocity by giving something away for free. This email is part of your pre-launch.
? Email #6 – AM Day of Open Cart – 1 Hour Until the Cart Opens (Hot List)
By now you should have a “hot” list from those readers who clicked on URLs and those readers that accepted your opt-in from email #5. You begin to sell a bit harder by bringing scarcity and urgency into the mix. Open your cart or introduce the promotion. Set a deadline to the offer and include a countdown time from motionmail, for example. This email is sent out one hour before Open Cart.
? Email #7 – Open Cart Email (Hot List)
Here is an example:
Hey there,
Just a quick heads up that the My Montessori Homeschool CART opens in 1 hour!
Space is limited. Limited time offer.
For more details >> My Montessori Homeschool
Once you’re enrolled in the course, you are automatically given access to the Welcome Module & a fun bonus.
I will talk to you soon!
? Email #8 – PM Day of Open Cart
Jeff Walker introduced this one to me. He calls it the ‘Tsunami email’. You send it the same day as the previous email but in the afternoon or early evening. This email is all about checking in to make sure everything is going okay in the process of purchasing the product or enrolling in the course.
? Email #9 – Morning After Open Cart
This email reveals a surprise bonus when the person purchases the product. Consider this email an opportunity to revive an old product or test out a new one. In addition, seek out partners in your network to offer one of their programs, products, or services to your audience.
? Email #10 – 2 Days After Open Cart (Hail Mary to Entire List)
I usually send at least one more email to my entire list just to give those people who truly are interested another chance to click. A reminder of Surprise Bonus – simple & to the point email.
? Email #11 – Final Day (Hot List)
This email might be my favorite one in the whole series. I call this one the “warning” email where you get to highlight or to remind your reader of the potential, of the transformation. For example, “WARNING: this bundle may make you a better parent”
? Email #12 – 12 Hours to Go (Hot List)
I learned about the “I’m Sorry” email from Stu McLaren. It goes like this…
Hi there Joe,
It happens every time.
Tomorrow morning I’ll wake up to messages like this…
“Hey, Marnie! Is the summer break bundle sale really over?! I decided I want to grab it.”
As much as I want to grant their wish, the summer break bundle really does end at the exact deadline.
…making it firm that this special resource will truly end tonight.
Buy the Summer Break Bundle Now
If you miss the 11:59 pm CST deadline, I’m here to say ‘sorry’ in advance. Because this bundle is SO GOOD and it’s REALLY about to go away forever.
Grab yours here before it’s too late –> The Summer Break Bundle 2017
All my best,
? Email #13 – 6 Hours to Go (Hot List)
The “I’m Sad” email is a gem. I learned it from Jes Stansbury. Here is her latest example of the “I’m Sad” email…
You’ve not joined Noise Makers’ Camp yet Marnie and the doors close TONIGHT!
I WANT to help you, I want to help your business grow and I want you to want it so it makes me a little sad knowing that you’ve not committed yet.
There are payment plans for this 12 week program and they make them SUPER affordable.
I get it. I would have had a hard time when I was starting out buying into a $1400 program but, looking back, I KNOW I would have grown SO.MUCH.QUICKER if I would have.
I’m in this with you, I really really want to help you and I want to mail you a packet tomorrow with your printed pretty workbook.
Ok, you have just over 12 hours…don’t wait until the last minute – nothing is worse than meaning to buy something and forgetting.
I can’t wait to help you make some MAJOR noise.
? Email #14 – 1 Hour to Go (Hot List)
Include a timer (as you should in all the emails) in this one and really press on the urgency trigger.
Here is an example: short & sweet –
Hi there
Only one hour remains to grab your spot in Amanda’s Mama’s Anger Management Course. If you’re feeling defeated, frustrated, and like the parent you least want to be, you NEED this course.
Enroll in Mama’s Anger Management course >>
Only an hour left. Don’t miss it.
Please check out Mama’s Anger Management course.
Talk to you soon!
? Email #15 – Are You Still Up?
I learned this one from Ruth Soukup. Here is her latest example:
Stop Spinning Your Wheels.
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